
Clayman Asset Manager

- Standalone libraries driven by user configuration or environment variables
- Library creation and loading, library history
- Drag and drop to Import new Asset
- Import, Export and Delete Asset Packages
- Duplicate and Variants support WIP
- LibraryEngine v1.0 Python API for integrations in DCC (not in Alpha)
- Creation of Categories and QuickTags and Search filters
- Fast search by any keyword including names, tags, asset info data
- Assets thumbnail and previews (images, video mp4 support)
- Asset Editor v1.0 to edit an Asset Package
- Threaded actions where available with Job Que v1.0 (import archive , export archive, delete, duplicate, variant)
- Customizable Asset Manager UI (add or remove UI elements to fit mixed workflows) with shortcuts
- Contextual menu items and Action shortcuts
- User Python Plugins v1.0 support and loading (as Right click on package)
- Dockable Workspace UI layouts, Custom Dockable Workspace UI layouts, Predefined Workspace layouts
- Customizable splash screen, random Unsplash surprises

Clayman Asset Import

- Asset import User interface
- Copy Assets to Library (direct copt to the Library)
- Link assets in the Packakge (no copy to Library, reference already existing location)
- Asset Tagging and Asset Description
- Fast Dominant Color Extraction (dominant colors)
- Image Conversion (limited support)
- Support for Asset types:
- Surface, Geometry, Light, Volume, Brush, Preset, Project, File, Video, Sequence
- Detection of imported asset types and properties per Type
- Automatic texture conversion to various formats (not in Alpha)
- Asset Package v1.0

Clayman Application Support

- AppDiscovery Engine v1.0, supported application loading
- Clarisse 4.0 and Clarisse 5.0 integration with Asset importing, Asset export to library WIP
- Packages type filter per application
- Full Clayman inside your host app
- Side application launching (DJV, Photoshop, Nuke, Houdini etc... WIP)