Edit Asset Package

If you need to edit a package select a package and press Space key to open the Asset Editor.


If you change the name of the package - it gets moved on the filesystem level! So be careful with renameing packages!

You can add or remove items from the packages, change the tags or description.

This operation will change data on your hard disk.

If you want to Rebuild the package instead check the Rebuild PackageRebuild Package
Rebuild Package

If the contents of the package change in the filesystem, you will want to update the package contents data.
Right clicking on the Selected item in the library view you can choose R...

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Learn more about Packages:

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Although simple, you will want to spend some time on it to enter the relevant information about the stuff y...
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This operation will de...
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If the contents of the package change in the filesystem, you will want to update the package contents data.
Right clicking on the Selected item in the library view you can choose R...
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Edit Asset Package

If you need to edit a package select a package and press Space key to open the Asset Editor.

If you change the name of the package - it gets moved on the filesystem level! So...